03 September 2007

more of my passion, er, i mean hobby

altho some may think of us "trailer trash " hobby -nuts, we think of ourselves as inclusionists. all are welcome in the camp - does not not matter your walk of life, your passions beyond your trailer or your family status..only one thing is required..can you have a good time?
this photo was taken by Dwight, the man of a million stories! this was at the annual Vintage Trailer Rally, Deming WA.
we, the collective trailer peeps, are known for camp fire or pot luck events, road trip rallies, swapping junk or in this case, gathering $$ for a worthy cause. this day, all funds from the Tiki bar went to the CSF society. ok, so i got a kick ass marg in the exchange. not a bad way to "camp" eh?

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