18 February 2008

now where on earth is...

....my cat!
story recently of a cat who ended up some 3oo miles from home. it is not one of those "my cat has a great sense of instinct and wandered home" no this is one of technology meets big brother. seems there are companies that supply a service where you place an non-invasive microchip under the skin of your beloved pet and should they be found wondering without indentification, most local pet rescue places can "scan" the chip and find the owner..voila!

thinking out loud...why not microchip every deadbeat dad, every convicted sexual criminal or even your kids? seems a reasonable way to keep track of things...no?

wanna know more?

14 February 2008

red day

Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar
but never doubt thy love.
-- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II, Scene II

best wishes for all lovers in love

13 February 2008



her beauty intercepts my thoughts
linear images cross dimensionally over emotion
mind over body matter

fused hunger
dialogued through touch
envelopes consciousness
breathlessness welds

liberated spiritual connectedness
elysian takeover
unassembled, speechless
i become her love

Copyright ©2007 TL Binns

12 February 2008

starting my day...

my days starts with fighting
fighting my way onto 6th, fighting my way done 20th that leads to the ultimate fight, the queensboro bridge

each day i must push and barge my way into the lineup for the bridge...if everyone knew how to merge it would go alot smoother

i have been thinking...i believe some people take this fight to work..i wonder if everyone was nice about it there would be less bruised egos at the workplace? competition to get even one car length ahead is without mercy...i swear, if some of these people had guns on the front of their cars i would have been assassinated a long time ago...

i worry that one day i wont be able to shake the aggression that overlays the drive and i will arrive to work and SNAP over some little thing like "ok, who didn’t fill the printer with paper, who was the wise ass who thought duck taping my phone on a monday is funny"

in a perfect world my morning would start out way different …someone would pick me up at my house, i would crawl into a big comfy seat with coffee in hand and relax on the drive to work...

wait, maybe it is working that causes this issue..jesus need to solve that issue fast

11 February 2008

six feet under

after driving to mt baker on saturday and it being closed, the day lent itself to a sofa-snacking- lounging- and- tv kinda space.

picked up the first season of six feet under...cf had not seen any of it. i forgot how brilliant the show is. disfucntion abounds and when this occurs amidst death and bodies; well, it is easy to become addicted to the moments.

a rare find in tv these days. thanks hbo.

07 February 2008

Gung Hey Fat Choy

2008 is the year of the Rat.

Here are some funny things attached to this celebration....

Chinese New Year's Superstitions

For those most superstitious, before leaving the house to call on others, the Almanac should be consulted to find the best time to leave the home and the direction which is most auspicious to head out.

The first person one meets and the first words heard are significant as to what the fortunes would be for the entire year. It is a lucky sign to see or hear songbirds or red-colored birds or swallows.

It is considered unlucky to greet anyone in their bedroom so that is why everyone, even the sick, should get dressed and sit in the living room.

Do not use knives or scissors on New Year's Day as this may cut off fortune.

While many Chinese people today may not believe in these do's and don'ts, these traditions and customs are still practiced. These traditions and customs are kept because most families realize that it is these very traditions, whether believed or not, that provide continuity with the past and provide the family with an identity.

How interesting is that? Best of the new year to all my Asian friends!