29 September 2008

times are tough

so after watching a flic about circuses, or the lack thereof, a walk on the seawall was the only option on a fab fall day.quite the change from images of big cats stranded and chimps who cook, to the vibrant energy of a city that has and gives so much.

sunshine on my face warmed my soul. positive energy abounded! people cant help but smile when a magical sunny day in vancouver presents itself.

crossing the intersection of denman and davie was this gal with a sandwich board...searching for a place to live.

the challenge she told me , when i stopped and asked permission to take her picture is; and she stated very firmly" there is a housing crisis". she supplied me with a small document stating their needs and particulars:
"young employed couple, with two cats, seek apartment, max $1300 per month"

there is a housing crisis for the employed and middle class ? christ what is it like to be poor and without a home in this rich city? now there is a housing crisis.


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