12 January 2009

when are humans, not

watched a great program on embryo cryo-preservation - or as i call'em, spermsicles!
the debate being...again who has more rights..the "human" or the people who created said "human"

there is christian group in the US running a program called the snowflakes embyro adoption program where you may take a spermcicle leftover from parents who wanted to conceive(and have leaving other spermcicles unwanted), and grow that embryo as your own.

"When a family has been successful
in having a child through in vitro
fertilization, remaining embryos are
often cryo-preserved. This results
in question are what to do with the
remaining embryos."

facinating..really...because many people who created yet not utilised said "humans" are not comfortable knowing that they have off spring in the world they either dont know or even worse, have not authorised the existence thereof.

science creates conflict with its gifts.

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