well, toronto moved from uncomfortable cold to disgusting slush. my pants and shoes are covered in salt stains, the streets are dirty and wet and the people notable unhappy. i am so not liking this place. as i have said to many a recruiter " i would rather be poor in the west than rich in the east". i will take the rain over this any day. cant wait to get back to my turf.
the obama gig as canadians do we line up for hours in the cold, in the millions to watch a prime minister walked down the red carpet and pledge to meet his job description? crazy...and really, why did he not give the money that was spent to host all those balls he and his missus attended to a needy cause? symbolic leadership my friends is not high on his list
2009 outlook
yup now i have seen it all...get your dog horoscope here now...horoscopes.astrology.com/dailydogscopetaurus.html
had a great eveneing with dh, went the elliott louis galley for an opening. was honoured to see her work up close. the energy in the room was very cool even when there a small pollitical outburst on the gaza situation.
it was grand to be surrounded by the artists and their supportors. am so enjoying this new adventure- so much to learn about art. first pic is my fav dh painting and the next one is david grieve.
so the doc says, one week before xmas... heres the prednisone.. ok it has side effects ok not good ones ok moody, irritable,emotional, bad sleep pattens, upsets your eating routines, may cause blurred vision ok; can i take it after xmas?
so, here i am day two...rough night, weird dreams - explosions, fires,running scared,trapped... today , stressed, agitated..want to kill someone while crying through the whole event...had halos around my sight...lost pure focus for 2.5 hours!
christ now i get how those 'roid monkeys commit crimes..it is running through my blood stream and i feel it. not a good place to be- especially in HR. lol..now whos ass should i can today?
watched a great program on embryo cryo-preservation - or as i call'em, spermsicles! the debate being...again who has more rights..the "human" or the people who created said "human"
there is christian group in the US running a program called the snowflakes embyro adoption program where you may take a spermcicle leftover from parents who wanted to conceive(and have leaving other spermcicles unwanted), and grow that embryo as your own.
"When a family has been successful in having a child through in vitro fertilization, remaining embryos are often cryo-preserved. This results in question are what to do with the remaining embryos." http://www.nightlight.org/programs_SnowflakeEmbryoAdoption.html
facinating..really...because many people who created yet not utilised said "humans" are not comfortable knowing that they have off spring in the world they either dont know or even worse, have not authorised the existence thereof.
had a funny conversation with dh today walking towards the watermark cafe in kits.we were talking about how the beach area is known as a make out place, "inspiration point" as we have all known of it
so i say, well where is the un-inspiration point? wouldn't break ups be a hell of a lot easier if you say drove to place where uninspired things were known to occur? ...i mean, actually then you could save the drive and just say out loud " i think we need to go to ______ " and then the other person would know it was over!
jesus. i am on to this thought. will post some ideas soon.