25 November 2008

the bitch is back!

She is a nasty wench really. She chooses to wake me at 3am each night to ensure consistency in my day time zombia. I need not even roll over and look at the clock anymore..it never varies more than 5-7 minutes. Trust me I have tried everything, pills, drink, stay up late, go to bed early, exercise, no exercise, books, hot baths etc.

I am getting tired of living with her…she makes my life hell. I toss and turn for an hour and a half then fall into r.e.m. so hard that when the alarm goes off I swear it takes me minutes to actually register it in my head. I force my groggy ass to the kitchen, make a pot of strong coffee and shuffle to the shower...which is done with my eyes closed.

With toothbrush in hand I stare into the mirror and identify the puffy eyes with getting/looking older for some reason. Push the edges of my cheeks up and consider wee tucks here and there….and then , not.

I wake up fully somewhere around 10am. So for those of you who think I must be sick cause I am so quiet in the morning…shhhh; I am just sleepwalking.

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