30 November 2008
28 November 2008
what does the future hold?

just had quite the reading done on line..
didnt tell me anything i didnt already know, past is past, people are people, furture is a path choosen out of courage..although the part about being... well i cant say that out loud...just set the message in a very pretty and mystical way...
okay just fun on a raining friday afternoon
old school - out with analog tv signals

ok so that big black bulky tv in your basement or that wee 12' tv in your kids room will soon need to replaced..if you want to use it for regular tv programs. however it will still be useful for the kids who huddle in the basement playing video games for hours on end
To find out if you have an analog or digital television, you need to check your television set to identify whether you have an analog or a digital tuner.
To do so, start with your owner's manual. If it is not listed in the manual, contact the retailer where you originally purchased the television. Note that your manual may not use the terms "digital tuner" or "analog tuner". A digital tuner could also be listed as "ATSC tuner". An analog tuner could also be listed as "NTSC tuner".
Sets with integrated digital or digital/analog tuners will continue to receive over-the-air digital television once the transition has taken place.
Sets with an analog tuner will no longer receive over-the-air television once the transition takes place without the addition of a set-top converter box.
If your set does not have a tuner at all, then you have a monitor rather than a television.
so perfect timing with a poor economy to upgrade to a sexy new flat screen that you can hang on the wall. you will need to replace them before feb 09
or not upgrade considering there is so much crap out there called "entertainment" ..im just saying that reality tv and pathetic games shows or the like says alot about our current society..and when they mention this generation in social studies years from now they will not be surprised by the drop in average grades for young people..com'on, what is the biggest looser really?
winter shift

speaking on winter..tomorrow rick is gonna help mw install the winter by pass stuff so mike can sit through the cold without risk. now i had planned on a trip for new years, and not saying i cant still do that...but..so vegas with the girls looks more attractive for sure...viva la new years!
tonight is drinks with dwight and angelle. they are part of the camper clan and moved back to NS back in the summer...will be almost 20 of us there, fun!
other winter stuff, taking my board in next week...soon we ride
the sauna in my building was just cleaned and tuned up...love to sweat
sunday hooking up with new friends to discuss the general state of life over afternoon lattes... speaking of which, i ordered a eggnog latte today as the s/b's holiday drinks equal a donation to the "red" globalfund.org and have to say...sugar in my coffee in any way does not impress me at all.
thought of the day- we are blessed; no terrorists blowing up our hotels and killing people senselessly. hug the ones you love today and say a prayer for those who cant hug the ones they love
26 November 2008
whats love got to do with it?

so having drinks with friends the other night...a grand discussion on the topic of love and what makes it work. it was interesting as the table was equally divided between those of us who are single and those who are married/hooked up.
ideas were tossed about related to what it means to love someone…from compromise, forgiveness, acceptance, tolerance to indifference. and what it means to feel love, understand love and when needed, let go of love.
well, as many people know i am by far no expert in this matter so articulating much at all makes me stumble and stutter like charlie brown and the lil red haired girl. i think hard and find words such as respect, adoration, creation, connection and good conversation at the end of the day over a decent glass of wine......
i am such a simpleton!
and then my pal of many years summed it up beautifully:
“Love is not finding a perfect person, it is seeing an imperfect person perfectly”
25 November 2008
the bitch is back!

She is a nasty wench really. She chooses to wake me at 3am each night to ensure consistency in my day time zombia. I need not even roll over and look at the clock anymore..it never varies more than 5-7 minutes. Trust me I have tried everything, pills, drink, stay up late, go to bed early, exercise, no exercise, books, hot baths etc.
I am getting tired of living with her…she makes my life hell. I toss and turn for an hour and a half then fall into r.e.m. so hard that when the alarm goes off I swear it takes me minutes to actually register it in my head. I force my groggy ass to the kitchen, make a pot of strong coffee and shuffle to the shower...which is done with my eyes closed.
With toothbrush in hand I stare into the mirror and identify the puffy eyes with getting/looking older for some reason. Push the edges of my cheeks up and consider wee tucks here and there….and then , not.
I wake up fully somewhere around 10am. So for those of you who think I must be sick cause I am so quiet in the morning…shhhh; I am just sleepwalking.
24 November 2008
23 November 2008
the family comes to visit, a new toy, broken truck,rum runnners; my weekend

so driving along last night, jeep full of family and the back brake calliper siezes! smoke and hot melted metal. parked it in richmond...then drove back today and thanks gawd for dave..got it running again. it was grand to have them all here at my digs...made a huge italian feast, set a table (which i must admit i had not done in a long time, hence the baseboards at behind the table)
well, it arrived....my sexy lil netbook laptop! fits in my bag, 2.5 lbs, 160G h/d...wirless, camera, sd ram slots etc. i friggin love it! my life now portable..it is so tiny.
mv fleetwood...a rum runner from years gone by.
in richmond yesterday.. went to the brittania shipyard at steveston. dave's dad bought a big wooden boat when he was a kid and ran fishing charters to alaska. well seems that boat was owned by nelson skalbania..and when it was built it was for running alcohol during prohibition years in the 30's. it was converted to a pleasure craft in the 50's..and now been donated to the shipyard museum. so we went out there a had a great tour of the site and boat...the volunteers are so passionate about the hand restoration....daves dad died at 48 so it was kinda like a link to his the memory of his childhood and his dad..was neat.
today hits some balls at the range...the sunshine was good on my face. reminds me that when things seem too dark, if you raise your eyes you will find the light.
20 November 2008
18 November 2008
three things happened tonight
16 November 2008
3. A group of people sharing an occupation, interest, or habit
4. Informal ;a large family.
the tibe getaway this past weekend was into the golden ears provincial park. rained a bit, tarp up, no worries
played with the kids and dogs at the lake...it was calm and so peaceful. the park is transitioning from fall to winter. this allows a visual feast of orange and yellow carpet of leaves backdropped by the lush green mossy trees and rich ferns.
the sense of family or tribe feels good. they , unlike some of late, understand and display the true sense of intention. when they say they'll always be there, always truly care, always stand by when you are hurting, always, without fail have only good to give; they mean it no matter what.i am so fortunate to have such a grand clan around me.
13 November 2008
four/five things worth thought today

photo compliments of flickr.com
1- taliban who spray young girls with acid to keep them from going to school. imagine persecution on two levels; one being female and one wanting education. needless to say the school was empty today.terrorism calculated and effective. fuk we are lucky. imaging being afraid to send your kids to school?
2 - vanoc gets 140k requests for the mens gold hockey game tickets. not bad but there are actually only 4k seats. Olympics for the people who can and will pay. i got a problem there.
3 - kids today can die for the right to play addictive computer games. the young lad who ran away from home b/c his parents denied him the right to play. interesting; they had condoned the behaviour for so long that the attempt at intervention resulted in his death. a reminder that nothing replaces the one on one interaction with kids. and ultimately what you permit your promote
4- painkillers and red wine together are the only ways to handle the pain of an accident of the heart. no, really, i just wiped out running in the morning on a wet street..but it does help both pains.
5 - ok one more thing- a dog in the whitehouse gets more press than the first three things on this list- momentary lapse into awareness in-fuk-n-deed!
12 November 2008
full moon

...not to be confused
there are legends and myths that say the movement of the moon effects us human folks.crime rate goes up, violent acts increase and those who are otherwise calm can do things out of the ordinary...well, being in hr i can tell ya that i see all of the above each and every full moon.
i believe it effects us greatly...in fact, i am aware and it is no wonder i am so emotional of late! lol
edit and update from my friend ED:
this is known as full beaver moon - November.. this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. another interpretation suggests that the name full beaver moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. it is sometimes also referred to as the frosty moon.
10 November 2008
ps i love you

i think it is important to have a goal; something to look forward to...
so confirmed my trip into palm springs today...two weeks in the sun...
golfing, exploring and of course searching for that ultimate real estate deal...hooked up with a realtor...so let that housing market continue to drop...
cant wait...spring seems so far away...might have to get a trip into mexico before then...
09 November 2008
never take a minute of each day for granted

i have been through some pretty bad shit this year..people have been unkind, life has been unfair and i have lost my sense of who i am, had car issues,work struggles, had a few bad colds but nothing compares to my sister in laws pain. she is a double BCS...yes twice the nasty beast has attempted to take her from us!
this past saturday was a celebration of her life...50 years young and still alive and healthy. the family planned a grand party in quallicum beach (being there sent me into yet another whirl of my own mental unhealthiness) and 125 people showed up to dance and party the night away.from as far away as halifax and as far back as her best friend since 6th grade.
becky was surprised and tearful for the many grand family and friends that were present that night. she is an avid dragon boater and her entire team was there as well. crazy gals so full of life and they could dance me under the table.
it got me thinking...life is so fukn precious...lets not waste it living in hate or regret...cast away all that is heavy and drains you...cause at any moment all could be erased.
07 November 2008
liberty grand

this week we had our national HR annual meeting. we partied at this grand hall called the "liberty grand". inside it is a masterpiece of decadence and grandeur. turn of the century building with marble floors, 30ft ceilings, solid wood period furniture and a bathroom as big as my condo. funny i grew up in TO and spent ever summer at the cne but dont recall ever being in this building. of course we sas'd it up with five station of wii for fun and a giant dance floor. so i had only two drinks all night b/c i was so busy kicking ass on guitar hero and tennis!
05 November 2008
the subway

this week i am in toronto for work. it is the annual conference of h.r. peeps with the usual collection of merriment and learning. the event holds about 200 people so they tend to put us up at some fancy ass hotel that can house all the going-ons. so for two nights i could stay there, and the other nights stay where i usually stay at the marriott. i chose to stay at the marriott and travel to the events.
tonight there was a gig downtown at front and king. i walked down there, about 50 minutes but on the way back decided to ride the ttc. it is an interesting way to se the towns people...all types, all walks, all economic status and even some mexican tourists. i dont mind the opportunity to people watch so "taking the train" as they call it here, is soothing and entertaining.
tonight i rode thinking . and as the stations flew by and the train hiccuped and weaved through the tunnels i felt my heart skip a beat. the italian beauty who owns a piece of me rides with me daily no matter the city or the mode. and so it goes.
04 November 2008
i must weigh in despite my "grey-ness"

i think politics are like religion ; dont go into this type of battle of wits unarmed.
the worlds waits for the voices of america to be heard...with this being said..i think we are at interesting crossroads in american history.
i will say only this; mccain is two feet from the grave and his back up has given SNL some of the greatest opportunities to make people laugh.
by default does this make the other guy a better choice...not sure i know enough to make a casting vote myself but my gut says....
03 November 2008
snapshots and photographs
01 November 2008

Main Entry: epiph·a·ny
Pronunciation: \i-ˈpi-fə-nē\
Function: noun
3 - a (1): a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2): an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3): an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure b: a revealing scene or moment
i had the most amazing day today- one of those moments with a treasured spirit where things, life, reason,events,reactions and other such things were given definition. i am so blessed by her presence in my world and so thankful for her ability to articulate all that i have not been able to.... i am walking taller.
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