the snows covers the world as we know it…dropped like a paint can knocked over.
blanketed for our interpretations, it presents a world clean and unspoiled.
“i feel like a dryer sheet” emilie says “bouncing around touching things yet my purpose is to keep things from connecting. like the wrong end of magnets, pushing against unseen forces.”
we walk through the snow and the footprints resonate a crunch that we feel more than hear.
in tandem our steps become collective in the change as our weight alters what is beneath us...kicking softly the virgin white cloth of frozen water.
i feel a sense of unknown that is unsettling…the hands on time hold me in a place i wish i wasn’t.
emilie exhales and we stop to admire all that surrounds us. images covered..we stand still.she speaks softly "i wish i could control the snow…have the ability to change the landscape at a moments notice…and all that wear it. switch the painting of current experience…moving the emotion with the quick change of the picture.”
no questions today thus no need for deeper thoughts. we walk amongst the new images of what contains us via our physical world. we are forever altered.
i am navigating a new identity through what is outside of me. blinded and pure i seek to be held in the moment.to really feel all the changes within me.the truth lies captive in a cloak of what has been. the cloth itches and causes me to scratch for relief.
i let the snow fall on my face and it lands upon my eyelids. bestowed; i see much more now than I ever did...and the sight jolts me...
emilie reaches for my hand, and i allow it...the comfort of touch reminds me that all heals , all is made new if you pinpoint the inner sweet spot of your heart…after all it is a regenerative and forgiving beat…
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