well, for those who know me..i have a great circle of friends who appreciate the mobile world!
wait...the youngsters out there think the "mobile world" is defined on thin invisible electronic line that allows one to move without wire or tether to another place in the world and still connect via some hand held device.
my definition, and those around me, it is a world that allows and supports the freedom to move on the tar-mack roads that circle the globe.
we, the collective, move with home in tow to spots where the wireless world holds zero value. the places where all computer and technology is without interest. instead to a place where you gather to sit about with no other reason then to connect, physically and emotionally, with others.add in the feeling of cooking, sleeping and playing, out of doors.
i reach this weekend meca late Thursday to find other such beings, firmly planted in place, with no other destination than "now". we all live in this make shift community, taking each others time wholesomely, and via the tow vehicles or creature comforts, celebrate a hobby. the unit of transport or reason of showing up, is really secondary to the fun and social connections.
i am awe as we all move though this private community without lines or picket fences or reasons to exclude. it is quite acceptable to wander in search of a cup of coffee or a good conversation without pretense.strangers do not exist.
we move about the 100 plus trailer-ites freely. this weekend is without without judgment or need to justify. we move purely open to the experience of being together...we simple are; just present.
a grand weekend, with grand friends, and no other purpose than to just share a love of rv's and the gift of friendship.
the pic holds another story...stand by...