each time i drive to the airport i am shocked at the speed of which the rav line is happening....modern miracle or visual blight? i know that it is must as the city grows and the infrastructure becomes gridlocked with too many cars...but given the price of gas perhaps the cars will lessen?
as the labour crisis looms i guess driverless trains and cars are the way to go.
driving home from yet another outstanding weekend out in the woods...hit manning park and there he was...pulled over to the shoulder and was able to capture this shot on my shiny new canon eos xti - compliments of mz am....a super duper b-day present indeed...how spoiled am i?
the usual troops were there as well as some new faces...a whole bunch of kids to bike ride , play frisbee and dance with!
too many beer, sleeping in, fresh air, great friends, no blackberry and a sunburn topped off the day!
wow, in the last two weeks the world has witnessed the power and destruction of mother nature. and we here in canada, cant even imagine such events. we are naive i think. our time will come.
this past week was emergency preparedness week at work- so many of us were far too busy to get involved or even acknowledge...
for me, the reality of being without has struck. my emergency kit is now full! water, tp, food, shelter etc. for all the rest of you...dont come knocking...get ready instead.
and remember those who are suffering today and send prayers.
just did a round with JC and TH, we had such a great time..hanging, not playing seriously, supportive and quick to celebrate each others successes.
i am so blessed to have such kind , fine peeps in my world
i love the game, i love being outside and the social aspect of the game..all good for me......now if i can just figure out how to get that damn driver working for me...maybe i would make a much more worthy opponent ...
well it has been some 15 years plus since i bought a new bike..i had forgotten how much i enjoyed getting on a bike and exploring the streets!
did a hour of hills and the sorts and non- popular streets..so much life goes on away from the commuter route i take each day
life explained in tiny alleys, rental houses, rich opulent spaces and dumpster living. life slows down when you get on a bike..sights, smell and the sounds of movement create the experience you cant have traveling down the street in a box with your music too loud.
glad i am able to see the world again...in this simple and physically rewarding way...loving my new wheels!
if you want a great read - find one of my posts called "brinnnggg"
just another confirmation i am getting older...fuh!
What is TeenBuzz (or Mosquito Ringtone) Teen Buzz (also known as Mosquitotone or Zumbitone) is a popular ringtone that was hijacked from a technology that was originally used to repel loitering teenagers from shops in the United Kingdom. Inventor Howard Stapleton developed the "Mosquito device" for Compound Security Systems.
This device emits a modulated 17 kHz sound that proves to be a great annoyance to teenagers or anyone younger, but leaves most over thirty years of age unaffected. This is due to presbycusis, a normal loss of acute hearing that occurs with advancing age.
TeenBuzz mosquito ringtone was developed using the same technology, but as a constant 17 kHz high frequency ringtone. It is primarily used in the classroom, allowing students to be alerted of incoming text messages on their mobile phones without the knowledge of their teachers.